Creating Spaces

Interiors that support the people who live there.

Brightbox Studio offers home consultation services including interior design, space planning and layout guidance, renovation logistics support, aesthetic refreshers and furniture arrangement.

I love home renovations. Specifically, I love houses.

Houses are the structures where our life narratives unfold, the architectural skin and bones that shelter the inner self. They're metaphors of the soul and expressions of our most basic needs and perceptions of Self. Houses reflect ourselves back to us: how we care for them, tend or neglect them, what we demand from them and offer in return, and how we approach designing them either deliberately or unconsciously.

Just like people, homes age and weather, show wear and tear, need maintenance and occasional upgrades to function well. Homes are built from the foundation up. And, just like with people, a strong foundation supports a healthy, viable container for life to unfold.

The way our homes are put together can support our personhood and desires, or hinder the way we move through space (and move through life.)

the visual and physically felt sense of cohesion when habiting a space

For me, successful interior design considers how a body feels as it moves through the space. What ease? What blocks? What eddies and turns? Claustrophobic or cozy niche? How does the home connect to the landscape, integrate the local culture, reflect the context it's in? And is the space not only well designed but truly livable? Somatically supportive spaces work with the people who live in them to provide a sanctuary that reflects their energetic needs.

I love curating items that go into a HOME - furniture, meaningful objects, colors, textures - all visual and tactile moments that define the character of a space.

Meet the Team

It's pretty much me... me and the people I meet along the way who make this creative expression possible: contractors, tradespeople, City officials in the building and permitting departments, thrift store owners, antique dealers, folks who set stuff out on the curb. Fresh design doesn't have to be delivered in a box.

And then there's my husband who has tirelessly helped me tackle these projects and done so much of the heavy-lifting.

Kelly Kievit
Founder / Interior designer
Workin' Hands

Getting Up Close & Personal

Nearest Neighbor
Sounding Board

Instagram feed - color combos and textures inspired by nature! Plus random finds