brightbox studio


BRIGHTBOX STUDIO weaves mindful motion, somatic embodiment practices and artful exploration to enhance individual creativity and holistic well-being.

Whether or not we identify as an ARTIST, we all CREATE through thoughts, words, actions, choices. Everything we do creates a vibrational resonance within our body and consciousness that emanates and shapes our lives and overall health. The more present and attuned to the Now we become, the more we strengthen our capacity to BE within ourselves, with each other and within our environment.

Creativity invites us to re-shape our perceptions of self and the world around us to become more adept at manifesting whole, authentic, fulfilling lives.

living creatively


dialogue | 1:1 coaching sessions
art exploration
| mark-making, site, motion, sound

dialogue - 1:1 Coaching Sessions

As a Holistic Health & Wellness Coach, I believe that connecting with our body's innate wisdom and creative abilities enables us to improve the overall quality of our physical mental, emotional and spiritual health. I offer 1:1 Coaching sessions to help clients uncover their creative potential, strengthen their creative voice, transform goals into action and manifest sustainable change. Each coaching session is client-driven and client-focused. I provide a context for clients to connect to their unique healing nature and find inspiration within their own heart.

Brightbox also offers art-based dialogue, portfolio reviews and thoughtful critiques that dive deep into your current body of work. Through back-and-forth conversation, we uncover layers within the work that clarify creative intention, aesthetic cohesions and set goals for new projects.

art exploration - mark-making, site, motion, sound

See ArtExploration tab for course descriptions.

Brightbox studio classes explore the PROCESS of creating rather than focusing on an end product Through energy-building exercises, somatic practices, mindful observation, motion-based marks and sound, brightbox's workshops are designed to SPARK creativity, foster resiliency by requiring we stay present in a moment and encourage ​creative thinking in day-to-day life. The inner critic is invited to take a break for a while and we’re able to see our own work with a neutral eye.

Creating space for good things to happen.